Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Book 136: A Life in Parts by Bryan Cranston (Audiobook)

Bryan Cranston, whom most people know as the dad from "Malcolm in the Middle" and as Heisenberg in "Breaking Bad," has led a fascinating life. And no one can tell it better than him.

I was astounded when I saw this book in the new books bin at the library. My first thought was, Bryan Cranston wrote an autobiography? He's not even old! Knowing I'd never have time to read the book, I requested the audio version and waited for what seemed like forever for the book to appear at the front desk of my beloved Smyrna Public Library. The wait was worth it - Cranston did not disappoint.

The audio version of this book is read by Cranston himself, which I thought was a great decision. As he hashed out the details of his wild and crazy life, I developed a genuine respect for Cranston's career and his ability to grow and change as his many different roles demanded. I also better understood why he had not been successful earlier in life: he was extremely selective about the roles he chose to play. That's a lesson to all of us - jumping at every opportunity would have reduced the quality and value of his craft.

I am intentionally leaving out details, because Cranston's story was fun and surprising from beginning to end. I hope you will pick up this audiobook and enjoy it as much as I did.

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