Monday, March 5, 2018

A word (or two) on parenting.

As a parent, I'm dedicated to raising my kids with all the love and patience I can summon. If you're a parent, you probably know some days are harder than others. At the end of the day, if the kids are safe, well-fed, and healthy, I consider it a win.

My goal for my kids is to build in them the skill sets they need to go forward in life when they're 18 years old. I expect my kids to move out, go to college, or get a job. I expect them to become productive citizens and care about one another. I expect them to build the future when I'm no longer around to do it.

As other influences (good and bad) come and go, I am dedicated to remaining aggressive about their learning. My kids do chores, have responsibilities, and know what I expect of them. They know how I'm going to react when they display poor judgment or act like entitled little brats. I try to be consistent, if nothing else.

Whether my kids become rocket scientists or custodians, they're going to need to know how to read and comprehend language, cook a meal, do their laundry, shop sensibly, be accountable for their actions, learn good habits, be affectionate and compassionate, respect others, give back to their community, and learn. These are the things I am seeking to teach them while I have their relatively undivided attention.

Am I always going to be perfect? No.

Am I always trying to be better? Yes.

Am I expecting to be my child's best friend? No. And that is why I will succeed.

In return for all of my hard work, I have inexhaustible motivation to be a better person for my kids.



  1. Being a parent can be thankless but what a blessing it is to see your kids grow and become wonderful people.

    1. Mom! Did you just call me a wonderful person?
      Love you!
